Arrival of the Procession
Marriage is a big event in the lives of Hindus. The bridal car along with the bridal party approaches the bridegroom’s place, with much pomp, fanfare and splendor. Musical processions usually follow the bridal party, symbolizing the arrival of happiness and good wishes. During the Old Vedic days, the bridegroom’s father always paid special attention to the bride, until she completely integrated into the house of her in-laws. The Vedic bridal procession consisted of Hathis (elephants), Ghoras (Horses), Music and bridal cars.
The Mantra Chanted
The following verse from the Rig Veda amply illustrates the marriage scenario in the Vedic days:
“O bride, your husband who has grasped your hand and has all the means to support you brings you home. Let these two horses of the chariot carry you comfortably and may you reach the home of your husband safe. Like a mistress of the house you have your husband under your influence and direct the establishment of your husband.”
Bride’s Palanquin
The bridal car of the Vedic period or the palanquin, which carries her to her husband’s place, is vividly described in the following Vedic verse:
“0 bride ascend the chariot made of good Kimsuka wood and of salmali. It is well decorated in gold, with various ornaments in multiforms and colours, it is well-covered and its wheels are fast moving. May your going to your husband’s house be happy and may your married life have the happiness of the immortals. Make for your Lord a happy bridal journey, full of pleasure and comfort.”
The Ritual in Atharva Veda
“Sukimsukamvahatum Vishwarupamhiranyavarnam Suvritamsuchakram”
Translates as:
“0 bride, mount on this chariot which is decorated with beautiful flowers of various colours, and which is strongly bound and golden-hued, with good wheels and which moves comfortably.”
The above scripts from the Atharva Veda illustrate the aesthetic sense, love and care of the Vedic people, while welcoming the bride to her new home. Utmost care is observed to ensure that the transitional journey of the bride to the bridegroom’s place is made as comfortable as possible. As per the Sanskar Vidhi, a lady with a child in her hands and whose husband is alive usually receives the bride from the car. In his Ramcharit Manas, Tulsidas explains:
“All the mothers were so overcome with joy. Full of intense longing for a sight of Ram, they began to get everything ready for the reception of their sons. Music of every kind was played, while Sumitra gladly got together articles of good omen, such as turmeric, blades of Durva grass, curds, ordinary leaves, flowers, betel leaves, betel nuts, auspicious roots, unbroken rice, sprouts of barley, parched paddy, and lovely blossoms of the Tulsi plant.”