Time Era MAHALAKSHMI AMMAL – HOLY MOTHER OF KANCHI SAINT SRI CHANDRASEKARENDRA SARASWATI SWAMIGALBy hinduscripturesMarch 26, 20200 INTRODUCTION Mahalakshmi Ammal (19th century AD) was the holy mother of Sri Kanchi Swamigal of Kanchi Mutt. She was born…
Time Era The Indus Valley CivilizationBy Vaishali ShahJanuary 7, 20190 The Indus Valley civilization was stumbled upon as late as the early 20th century by a British officer in India.
Time Era Dating the VedaBy Vaishali ShahDecember 18, 20180 The Vedas are not a book like the Old Testament or the New Testament or the Zend-avesta,
Time Era DATING THE MAHABHARATABy January 6, 20180 Unwilling to participate in the fratricidal war, Balarama goes on