Report—Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha,-2018
Arsh Vidya Mandir, Rajkot
The Seventh Acharya Sabha opened with rendering of “BhoShambho”, composed by Param Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswatiji, a fitting tribute to the founder of this unified Body of Hindu Dharma- the Voice of Collective Consciousness.
Acharyas from almost every Sampradaya of the nation, Shaiva Sidhantha, Natha Sampradaya, Lingayat, Veera Shaiva , Vishishta Advaita; the Juna & other Akhadas; Swaminarayan Sampradaya,Varkari Sampradaya, Adi Shankara’s Dashanami Tradition; Satradhikari & Vaishnava Mutts of Puri-etc. and About 60 “Arsha Acharyas” were present.
All ‘Member Acharyas’, ‘ Arsha Acharyas’ and other invitees were respectfully welcomed with Garlands and few gifts. Pujya Swamini Dhanyananda Saraswatiji lighted the Lamp with some “Kumarikas” and garlanded Pujya Swamiji’s picture at the beginning.
Param Pujya Swami Paramatmananda Saraswatiji (the Convener and secretary General) & host of the 7th Acharya Sabha, formally opened the proceedings by paying tributes to Param Pujya Swami Dayananda Saraswatiji.
In his opening report, Sri Swamiji listed successful initiatives of Acharya Sabha, since 6th Sabha held in January 2016 at “Tapobhoomi”,Goa.
1. Initiated, guided & supported the project to build 108’ tall Statue of Adi Shankaracharya & a Research Centre at Omkareshwar by Madhya Pradesh government The government has formed the trust, acquired the necessary land. He thanked Acharya Mahamandaleshwar Sri Avdheshanandaji for Pivotal support in this project. .Pujya Swamiji was apprehensive that with change in MP Government the project may get delayed.
2. Acharya Sabha initiated & supported “Gita Jayanti celebration” at Kurukshetra, every year, by Government of Haryana.
“Gita Jayanti Express”- Daily Express train from Kurukshetra—Mathura—Kurukshetra is running on initiative of Acharya Sabha.
Chanting of Shlokas from Srimad Bhagwad Gitaji is also introduced at Haryana in Schools. He thanked Mahamandaleshwar H.H. Swami Sri Gyananandaji for his pivotal role.
3. Acharya Sabha had requested Hon’ble Prime Minister Sri Modiji to promote “Gau Milk” & thereby protect “Gau Mata”. It’s indeed heartening to note that Amul has started marketing “Deshi Doodh” at higher price than other milk, thereby Desi Gau becomes economically viable.
Acharya Sabha passed a resolution thanking Hon’ble Prime Minister Sri Modiji for the same.
4. Acharya Sabha had noticed that many religious organisations were receiving foreign donations & their funds were often used by aggressive religions for conversion or for anti-national activities. Acharya Sabha had expressed deep concern about it & had requested the government to look into discrepancies – if any.
Sri Swamiji quoted reply by MOS (home) in Rajya Sabha that over 4,800 NGOs, FCRA license were cancelled in 3 years, which has taken off the edge of such activities.
(Full report-
After the opening statement by H.H.Swami Paramatmanandaji SABHA took up the agenda items one by one.
Sri Rama Madhav gave very detailed presentation about Kashmir situation-challenges and resolutions.Members present raises very pertinent questions and it was decided that Member Acharyas will celebrate “Holi” at out border with Solders..
Sri Balbir Punj gave presentation about Punjab. His narration about History of Punjab and Golden temple was very informative. He also gave details how British created divisive tendencies between Hindus and Sikhs-&-requested Acharya to visit Punjab frequently-
The president of V.H.P., Justice Sri Kokje detailed the contemporary challenges to Hindu Dharma and Society. He also enumerated future strategies to combat these challenges.
The General Secretary of VHP, Sri Champatraiji gave status report about Sri Rama Mandir @ Ayodhya..It was followed by Q/A session and in depth discussion.
Pu.Sri Mohanji Bhagawat concludes the discussion..
Afternoon sessions were marked by presentations and Q/A-discussions on North East states(Anchored Ms. Niveditaji-from Vivekananda Kendra)
And on the the role of Media ( Anchored by Sri Subhash Chandra-MP and Chairman ZEE TV group-Dr Nagaswamy (Doyen of Temple Architecture), Sri Kiran Patel (On education) and Sri Gopalbhai (On DesiGau Mata) also gave short presentations.

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