Gems of Subhashitah
1. दिङ्मण्डलं परिमलैः सुरभीकरोषि सौन्दर्यमावहसि लोचनलोभनीयम् ।
हंहो रसालफलवर्य तथाऽपि दूये यद् ग्रन्थिलं च कठिनं हृदयं बिभर्षि ॥
Digmandalam parimalaih surabhikaroshi saundaryamavahasi locanalobhaniyam |
Hamho rasalaphalavarya tathapi duye yad granthilam ca kathinam hrudayam bibharshi ||
O great fruit mango, you enrich the entire world with your fragrance and your beauty is also pleasing to the eyes; but I am very sad that your heart is very hard and clumsy. (The large seed of the mango is considered here as the heart of the mango.)
2. यदम्बुकणमादाय प्राप्नोसि जलदोन्नतिम् ।
तस्योपर्यम्बुधेर्गर्न्जन्मालिन्यस्योचितं हि तत् ॥
Yadambukanamadaya prapnosi jaladonnatim |
Tasyoparyambudhergarnjanmalinyasyocitam hi tat ||
O cloud, your roaring on the ocean of whose water, you have drunk and reached a high level is suitable to you who is polluted.
1. उपार्जितानां वित्तानां त्याग एव हि रक्षणम्।
तडागोदरसंस्थानां परवाहम् इवाम्भसाम्॥
Uparjitanam vittanam tyag eva hi rakshanam|
Tadagodarasamsthanam parivaha ivambhasam||
Charity is the way to save money earned by hard work, just like letting water flow is the best way to maintain a water level of lake.
2. एकेन तिष्ठताधस्तादन्येनोपरि तिष्ठता।
दातृयाचकयोर्भेदः कराभ्यामेव सूचितः॥
Ekena tishthatadhastadanyenopari tishthata |
Datruyachakayorbhedah karabhyameva suchitah ||
The position of hands, one up and another down indicates the difference between benefactor & supplicant.
3. गौरवं प्राप्यते दानान्न तु वित्तस्य रक्षणात्।
स्थितिरुच्चैः पयोदानां पयोधीनामधः स्थितिः॥
Gauravam prapyate danat na tu vittasya rakshanat |
Sthitiruchchaih payodanam pyodhinam adhah sthitih ||
Greatness is gained by charity; not by amassing wealth. The position of the clouds is at a higher level (donor of water) whereas the place of ocean is at a lower level (stocking water).
1. वरं तुङ्गाच्छृङ्गाद्गुरुशिखरिणःक्वापि पुलिने
पतित्वाऽयं कायः कठिनदृषदन्तर्विदलितः।
वरं न्यस्तो हस्तः फणिपतिमुखे तीव्रदशने
वरं वह्नौ पातस्तदपि न कृतः शीलविलयः॥
Varam tungachchhrungadgurushikharinah kvapipuline
Patitvayam kayah kathinadrushadantarvidalitah|
Varam nyastano hastah phanipatimukhe tivradashane
Varam vahnau paatastadapi na krutah shilavilayah||
It is better to die by falling from the peak of the mountain, to bump on the rocks, to commit suicide by putting a hand into the mouth of poisonous snake, to jump into fire than to live a characterless life.
2. वाचो हि सत्यं परमं विभूषणं मृगेक्षणायाः कृशता कटौ च।
द्विजस्य विद्यैव पुनस्तथा क्षमा शीलं हि सर्वस्य जनस्य भूषणम्॥
Vacho hi satyam paramam vibhushanam mrugekshana katau cha|
Dvijasya vidyaiva punastatha kshama shilam hi sarvasya janasya bhushanam||
Speaking the truth is the best ornament of speech. A beautiful lady’s ornament is a slim body. The ornament of a Brahmin is knowledge as well as forgiveness. Character is the ornament of the entire humanity.
3. शीलेन हि त्रयो लोकाः शक्या जेतुं न संशयः।
न हि किञ्चिदसाध्यं वै लोके शीलवतां भवेत्॥
Shilena hi trayo lokaha shakya jetum na samshayah|
Na hi kinchitasadhyam vai loke shilavatam bhavet||
Undoubtedly all three Lokas can be won by good character. Nothing is impossible for virtuous people in this whole world.
4. शीलं प्रधानं पुरुषे तदस्येह प्रणश्यति।
न तस्य जीवितेनार्थो न धनेन न बन्धुभिः॥
Shilam pradhanam purushe tadyaseha pranashyati|
Na tasya jivitenartho na dhanena na bandhubhihi||
Character is most important to bring out humanness in a person. Wealth, relatives and even life of a characterless person are simply worthless.
Contradiction in nature
सृजति तावदशेषगुणाकरं पुरुषरत्नमलङ्करणं भुवः।
तदपि तत्क्षणभङ्गि करोति चेदहह कष्टमपण्डितता विधेः॥
Srujati tavadasheshamgunakaram
Purusharatnamalankranam bhuvah|
Tadapi tatkshanamapi karoti che-
Dahaha kashtamanditata vidhehe||
What an act of folly of the creator! He rarely creates a man who is flawless and filled with all virtues. But, at the same time he makes him short-lived.
विद्राविते शत्रुजने समस्ते
समागतायामभितश्च लक्ष्म्याम्।
सेव्यन्त एतानि सुखानि याव-
त्तावत्समायाति कुतोऽपि मृत्युः॥
Vidravite shatrujane samste
Samagatayamabhitashcha lakshmyam|
Sevyanta etani sukhani yava-
Ttavatsamayati kutopi mrutyuhu||
When a man goes to enjoy his victory after defeating enemies, when he becomes wealthy and starts to enjoy such prosperity; at the same time death arrives from somewhere.
1. गौरवं प्राप्यते दानान्न तु वित्तस्य संचयात्।
स्थितिरुच्चै: पयोदानां पयोधीनामध: स्थिति:॥
Gouravm prapyate danann tu vittasy sanchyat|
Sthitiruchchaihi payodanam payodhinamadhh sthitihi||
A person becomes superior by giving alms and not merely by collecting wealth. That’s why clouds (which give water) spread across the sky while the sea (that collects water) remains on earth.
2. दातव्यं भोक्तव्यं सति विभवे सङ्ग्रहो न कर्तव्य:।
पश्येह मधुकरीणां सञ्चितमर्थं हरन्त्यन्ये॥
Datavyam bhoktavyam sati vibhave sangraho na kartavyah|
Pashyeh madhukarinam sanchitamartham harantyanye||
During days of wealth and grandeur, one should donate and enjoy not just accumulate. One can see the honeycomb where bees collect honey and hoard it. They neither eat it themselves nor give it to others. But later, others plunder it.
3. अहो एषां वरं जन्म सर्वप्राण्युपजीवनम्।
धन्या महीरुहा येभ्यो निराशा यान्ति नार्थिना:॥
Aho esham varm sarvapranyupjivanam|
Dhanya mahiruha yebhyo nirasha yanti narthinah ||
God bless the people who feed the hungry (families) who are like the trees which never let the needy go empty-handed. They give away everything they possess.
1 गौरवं प्राप्यते दानान्न तु वित्तस्य संचयात् ।
स्थितिरुच्चैर्पयोदानाम् पयोधिनामधः स्थितिः ॥
Gauravam prapyate dananna tu vittasya sanchayat |
Sthitiruccairpayodanam payodhinamadhah sthitih ||
A position of fame is attained by acts of charity and not by the accumulation of wealth. This is likened to the position of a cloud which gives water from above and the ocean which accumulates water from below.
3. जयन्ति ते सुकृतिनः रससिद्धाः कवीश्वराः ।
नास्ति येषां यशःकाये जरामरणजं भयम् ॥
jayanti te sukrutinah rasasiddhah kavishvarah |
nasti yesham yashahkaye jaramaranajam bhayam ||
Those great poets who have created a wonderful collection should be ever victorious as their fame outlasts them and there is no fear of old age and death to their body.
4. देहे पातिनि का रक्षा यशो रक्ष्यमपातवत् ।
नरः पतितकायोऽपि यशःकायेन जीवति ॥
dehe patina ka raksha yasho rakshyamapatavat |
narah patitakayopi yashahkayena jivati ||
This human body is destructible then why to save that? It is always beneficial to court fame which is constant, because human beings live through fame long after they are dead.
2. जीवन्तु मे शत्रुगणाः सदैव तेषां प्रसादात्सुविचक्षणोऽहम् ।
ये ये यथा मां प्रतिबाधयन्ति ते ते तथा मां प्रतिबोधयन्ति ॥
jivantu me shatruganah sadaiva tesham prasadatsuvicakshanoham |
ye ye yatha mam pratibadhayanti te te tatha mam pratibodhayanti ||
May my groups of enemies live a long life because of whom I am becoming wise. Even as they trouble me, they unwittingly teach me to lead a good life in this world.
3. न भीतो मरणादस्मि केवलं दूषितं यशः ।
विशुद्धस्य हि मे मृत्युः पुत्रजन्मसमः किल ।
Na bheeto maranaadasmi kevalam dooshitam yashah /
vishuddhasya hi me mrityuh putrajanmasamah kila //
I don’t have the fear of death, but I m afraid that my reputation may get affected. Without spoiling my reputation, untill the end I am pure; if I then get death that death itself is like the birth of a son for me.
1. वृक्षमूलेऽपि दयिता यत्र तिष्ठति तद्गृहम्।
प्रासादोऽपि तया हीनोह्यरण्यसदृशो स्मृतः॥
Vrukshamulepi dayita yatra tishthati tad gruham|
Prasadopi taya hinao hyaranyasadrushah smrutah||
A place with wife even if it is under a tree is the house in the real sense. A palace without wife is considered as a forest.
2. आपतन्ती विपत्पुंसा धीबलेन निवार्यते।
इयं प्राप्ता स्त्रिया धैर्यात्सुसह्यत्वं तु नीयते॥
Aapatanti vipatpunsa dhibalena nivaryate|
Iyam prapta dhairyat susahyatva tu niyate||
When problems arise, a man (husband) solves it by his intellect. But when they actually fall upon (the house/family, the woman sorts them out courageously.
शक्यो वारयितुं जलेन हुतभुक् छत्रेण सूर्यातपो
नागेन्द्रो निशिताङ्कुशेन समदो दण्डेन गोगर्दभौ।
व्याधिर्भेषजसङ्ग्रहैश्च विविधैर्मन्त्रैः प्रयोगैर्विषं
सर्वस्यौषधमस्ति शास्त्रविहितं मूर्खस्य नास्त्यौषधम्॥
shakyo varayitum jalena hutabhuk chchhatrena suryatapo
nagendro nishitankushena samado dandena gogardabhau|
vyadhirbheshajasangrahaishcha vividhaimantraihi prayogairvisham
sarvasyaushadhamasti shastravihitam murkhasya nastyaushadham||
It is possible to counteract fire with water, & the heat of the sun with an umbrella; to control a lordly elephant with sharp goad, and an infuriated bull and an ass with a cudgel; to cure illness by taking medicines and to countermine the effect of poison by the use of spells. Everything has an antidote prescribed for it in the Shastras but for a fool there is none.
1. कराविव शरीरस्य नेत्रयोरिव पक्ष्मणी।
अप्रोक्तमपि कुर्वन्ति तन्मित्रं, मित्रलक्षणम्
Karaiva sharirasya netrayoriva pkshmani|
Aproktamapi kurvantitanmitram mitralakshanam||
Hands do the work of the body; eyelids protect eyes. Likewise without informing the one who works for a friend is a real friend and behaving in such a manner is a sign of true friendship.
2. पापान्निवारयति योजयते हिताय गुह्यं च गूहति गुणान्प्रकटीकरोति ।
आपद्गतं न च जहाति ददाति काले सन्मित्रलक्षणमिदं प्रवदन्ति सन्ताः ॥
papannivarayati yojayate hitaya guhyam ca guhati gunanprakatikaroti |
apadgatam na ca jahati dadati kale sanmitralakshanamidam pravadanti santah ||
A person takes his friend on to the path of goodness by keeping him away from sins, highlights his qualities by hiding bad habits or bad qualities, never leaves him alone in the time of calamities and always helps. These are the qualities of friendship which are told by great people.
3. परोक्षे कार्यहन्तारं प्रत्यक्षे प्रियवादिनाम् ।
वर्जयेत्तादृशं मित्रं विष्कुम्भं पयोमुखम् ॥
parokshe karyahantaram pratyakshe priyavadinam |
varjayettadrusham mitram vishkumbham payomukham ||
A friend who creates obstacles in the works in your absence and talks very sweetly on your face should be avoided because he is just like a pot filled with poison having water in the mouth.
4. आरम्भगुर्वी क्षयिणी क्रमेण लघ्वी पुरा वृद्धिमती च पश्चात् ।
दिनस्य पूर्वार्धपरार्धभन्ना छायेव मैत्री खलसज्जनानाम् ॥
arabhagurvi kshayini kramena laghvi pura vruddhimati ca pashcat |
dinasya purvardhaparardhabhanna chayeva maître khalasajjananam ||
Friendship of wicked people is like the shadow in the morning which is initially bigger and becomes smaller at a later stage. On the other hand, friendship of good people is like the shadow in the afternoon which grows gradually at a later stage.
5. सखे साहजिकः स्नेहो दूरादपि विराजते ।
चकोरीनयनद्वंद्वमानंदयति चंद्रमाः ॥
sakhe sahajikah sneho duradapi virajate |
cakorinayanadvandvamanandayati candramah ||
O friend, friendship is visible even from a distance and gives happiness, just as a moon in the sky gives happiness to the eyes of Chakori birds on the earth.
6. उपचारः कर्तव्यो यावदनुत्पन्नसौहृदाः पुरुषाः ।
उत्पन्नसौहृदानामुपचारः कैतवं भवति ॥
upacarah kartavyo yavadanutpannasauhrudah purushah |
utpannasauhrudanamupacarah kaitavam bhavati ||
Formalities in friendship are good only till your friendship is not true. Once friendship is thick and true, formalities turn into faultiness.