Oblation, is an offering made to the Vedic gods at the time of fire sacrifices, which is also known as Yagna. In ancient times, and still now, during the time of performing Yagnas, Vedic mantras would be chanted to please the Vedic gods like Indra, Agni, Vayu, Yama, Chandra, Surya, Saraswati, Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva, and the respective share of oblation which is derived from the fire sacrifices would be given to the Vedic gods, as a honour to them. Without the help of the Vedic deities, no one could survive in this entire universe. Lord Indra is the chief Vedic god and he and his counterpart Lord Varuna gives sufficient rain, and without rain, no one in this world would survive.
Likewise, though Lord Yama is considered as the death god, it is our foremost duty to worship him regularly in order to get a painless and a fearless death, and also during the time of performing Yagna, his share of oblation must be compulsorily offered to him. Vayu is considered as the wind god, and only through his grace, we are able to easily breathe in this world. Agni is the fire god, and without his existence, no Yagna would be performed, and we cannot do all other important activities also. He is the main Vedic god, and ancient rishis were depended only on him for doing their Yagnas.
Chandra and Surya are like our two eyes, since without their existence, no one can live in this world. Since all these Vedic deities are helping us in some way or in another, we have to compulsorily worship them, and whenever we perform any fire sacrifices either in our home or in the temples, we must see to that, whether proper mantras are being properly chanted to please the Vedic deities, and whether the Vedic gods names are being fully recited.
In ancient times, for some sacred kings and sages, the divine demi gods would come to the earth to attend the Yagna and they also would receive their share of oblation directly. These deities are very kind on us, and they are ready to lend their helping hands whenever we need it from them.
Hence let us chant the glories of the Vedic gods, praise them by singing bhakti songs on them, let us give their share of oblation during the time of performance of fire sacrifices, and let us be blessed.