The full moon day (purnima) in the Hindu period of Ashad (July–August) is commemorated as the promising day of Guru Purnima, a day ordained to the representation of the famous sage Maharshi Veda Vyasa. This classical philanthropist compiled the four Vedas and formulated the 18 Puranas, the Mahabharata, and the Srimad Bhagavatam. Dattatreya, watched as the guru of gurus and was himself instructed by Vyasa.
The Importance of the Guru Purnima Celebration
On this day, all religious hopefuls and devotees praise Vyasa, and all pupils achieve a puja (a ritual) of their corresponding spiritual preceptor or gurudevs.
Aforementioned day is more of immeasurable importance to farmers, for it declares the commencement of the much-needed periodically rains when the appearance of cool showers escorts in fresh life in the provinces. Symbolically, this is a great time to introduce religious teachings; thus spiritual seekers traditionally start strengthening their holy sadhana—the pursuance of pure intentions—on this day.
The duration of Chaturmas (“four months”) commences on this day. Traditionally, here was the moment when rambling holy preceptors and their disciples dwelled down in an exceptional place to inquire the Brahma Sutras written by Vyasa—a chance to accompany Vedantic investigations.
Apostle adequately the profound importance of this great day. Ashada Purnima announces the Chaturmasa, or the frame in of the keenly anticipated rains. The water, hooked up and collected as clouds in the hot summer, now displays in fruitful rains that guide in the appearance of fresh life throughout. Despite so, do you all work thoughtfully to put into genuine working all the principles and philosophy that you have stocked up in you by assiduous study. Originate effective spiritual Sadhana immediately from this day. Create fresh streams of spirituality. Let all that you should read, understood, consulted and determined to grow, during Sadhana, converted into a constant emission of universal love, eternal loving service and endless prayer and worship of the Lord seated in all individuals.
Breathe on milk and fruits on this time and exercise meticulous Japa and Dhyana. Inquire the Brahma Sutras and do remarkable lakhs of Japa (Anushthana or Purascharana) of your Guru Mantra or Ishta Mantra, throughout the Chaturmasa. You will be extremely profited.
Since the day of Guru-Puja or vespers of one’s mentor, this is a day of pure joy to the serious applicant. Inspired by the expectation of submitting his respectful tribute to the precious Guru, candidate anticipates this moment with enthusiasm and commitment. It is the Guru individual that discloses the obligatory strings of affection and delivers the aspirant from the trammels of mundane continuation. The Sruti states: “To that high-souled aspirant, whose devotion to the Lord is great and whose devotion to his Guru is as great as that to the Lord, these secrets explained, become illuminated.” Guru is Brahman or Isvara Himself. He supervises and invigorates you from the deepest core of your being. He is omnipresent.
Established Customs of Celebrating Guru Purnima
How Guru Purnima is observed diversifies by custom and district. At the Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, the Guru Purnima is dedicated every year on a great scale. Every hopeful awake at Brahmamuhurta, at 4 a.m. People speculate on the guru and sing his prayers. Following in the day, the holy worship of the guru’s extremities is accomplished. Zealots consider on the guru’s frame. His expressions are accepted as a divine mantra, and the constant understand his mercy secures final distillation. Sadhus and sannyasins (religious monks) are later praised and served at noon. There is a perpetual holy conversation—summoned satsang—throughout which discussions are accommodated on a commitment to the guru in commanding and on religious matters in prevailing. Meritorious aspirants are instated into the Holy Order of Sannyas. Devoted believers fast and consume the entire day in prayer. They also advance fresh resolves for religious development.
A Guru’s Word on Whence to Recognize the Holy Day
Swami Sivananda was a 20th-century Hindu religious director, yogi, and guru who urged followers to use Guru Purnima to reconnect with their individual gurus and transfer that personal religious association into Chaturmas.
“The most useful form of prayer of the guru is to comprehend his education, to brighten as the very personification of his instructions, and to disseminate his glory and his word.”
Sivananda supported sitting with other followers of your guru in the midday and talking with them the grandeur and teachings of that guru. He advised reassembling at midnight to compose the titles of the Lord and the brightness of the guru.
“Alternatively, yourself may celebrate the promise of secrecy and inquire about the books or articles of your guru, or thoughtfully shine next his teachings. Catch fresh resolves on this holy day, to trample the religious path in accordance with the doctrines of your guru.”
One of the numerous promising precedents of gurus is Jagadguru Adi Shankaracharya, the most surpassing philosopher that India has ever presented was a religious reformer, a poet, a mystic and a devotee of the 8th century A.D. His principles and ideas have been a faithful source of knowledge for the followers of Advaita philosophy or non-dualism. His works are governed to research by many Indian and foreign scholars even today.