Lord Shiva, hailed as Tripurari, Shambho, Shankara removes the fear of sansar as Bhavanasha. He forms part of the Trinity destroying the sins of man. He is easy to please as Bholanatha. Here are some hymns dedicated to Lord Shiva.
Prayers to Lord Shiva
g eY"zV"@z¡ Y"G"pX"`u _"sBpz{R"X"o T"s{^J>\"R"êS"X"o,
í\"pêà@¡{X"\" V"zR"S"SX"wOY"puX"sêb"rY" X"pX"wO"pO"o
Om, Trayambakam-Yajaamahe-Sugandhim-Pushti-Vardhanam,
Urvarukam-iva Bandhanan-Mrityoram-Ukshiya-Maamritaat
I worship the fragrant three-eyed one who nourishes all beings; grant me liberation in the same manner as a ripe cucumber naturally severs itself from the vine.
@¡T"têZBppvZz @¡àNpp\"O"pZz _"z_"pZ-_"pZz W"sG"BpuSç`pZX"o,
_"Qp \"_"SO"z âQY"pZ{\"SQu W"\"z W"\"pS"r_"{`O"z S"X"p{X"$
Karpura-gauram Karunaavataaram Samsaar Saaram Bhujagendra-haram, Sadaa Vasantam Hridyaarvinde Bhavan Bhawaani Sahitam Namami
He who is fair like camphor, who is ever compassionate, by whose being the entire universe exists, around whose neck there is a garland of serpents, may he always live in my heart along with Bhavani, his consort. I bow down to him.
\"SQu Qu\"X"o íX"pT"{O"z _"sBpsàz \"SQu G"BpO@¡pZNpX"o,
\"SQu T"SS"BpW"t^"Npz X"wBpR"Zz \"SQu T"ðptS"pz T"{O"X"o$
\"SQu _"tY"ê ðpðppŒ \"{¢S"Y"S" \"SQu X"s@s¡SQ {T"øY"X"o,
\"SQu W"×O"G"S"pdY"z E" \"ZQX"o \"SQu {ðp\"z ðpŠ¡ZX"o$
Vande devam umaapatim suragurum vande jagatkaaranam,
Vande pannaga bhooshanam mrigadharam vande pashoonaam patim.
Vande soorya shashaanka vahninayam vande mukunda priyam,
Vande bhaktajanaashrayam cha varadam vande shivam shankaram
Adorations to the Lord of Godess Uma,
Adorations to the cause of the universe
Adorations to the one who holds a deer (mind) in his hand, the Lord of the Pashus (souls in bondage), who has the Sun, moon and fire for his eyes, the beloved of Lord Mukunda.
Adorations to him who is the refuge of His devotee, the giver of all boons, the all auspicious doer of all that is good
dr BpsàWY"
pu S"X"# `qZ#g, ðpzW"\"u S"X"#$
g S"X"puW"Bp\"O"u \"p_"sQu\"pY", S"X"_O"u ì_O"s W"Bp\"{S\"ð\"uð\"ZpY",
X"`pQu\"pY", eY"XV"@¡pY", {e"T"sZpSO"@¡pY", {e"@¡p“p[BS"@¡p“pY",
@¡p“p[BS"àçpY", S"r“@¡NK>pY", X"wOY"sIG"Y"pY", _"\"uêð\"ZpY",
_"Qp{ðp\"pY", drX"SX"`pQu\"pY" S"X"#$
g S"X"puW"Bp\"O"u \"p_"sQu\"pY" X"wOY"puZ X"uë T"p`r, _"Qp {ðp\"pu$
Shri Gurubhyo Namah, Harihi Om, Shambhave Namah,
Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya, Namaste astu bhagavan visveshvaraya Mahadevaya
Tryambakaya Tripurantakaya Trikalagnikalaya Kalagnirudraya Neelkanthaya
Mrityunjayaya Sarveshvaraya Sadashivaya Srimanmahadevaya namah.
Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya Mritryora Me Pahi, Sada Shivo.
Salutations to Thee, O Lord, the Master of the universe, the great Lord, the three-eyed one, the destroyer of Tripura, the extinguisher of the Trikala fire and the fire of death, the blue necked one, the victor over death, the Lord of all, the ever auspicious one, the glorious God of Gods.
V"øÏ"X"sZpqZ_"sZp{E"êO"{“zBpX"o$ {S"X"ê“W"p{^"O"ðppu{W"O"{“zBpX"o$ $
G"SX"G"Ql#A"{\"S"pðp@¡{“zBpX"o$ O"O"o T"øNpX"p{X" _"Qp{ðp\"{“zBpX"o$ $
Brahma murari surachita lingam, Nirmal bhaashita shobhita lingam
Janmaja dukha vinaashita lingam, Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam
I bow before that Shivalinga, which is adored by Brahma, Vishnu and other Gods, which is hailed by pure words and which destroys the cycle of birth and death.
Qu\"X"s{S"T"ø\"Zp{E"êO"{“zBpX"o$ @¡pX"Q`z @¡àNpp@¡Z {“zBpX"o$ $
Zp\"NpQT"ê{\"S"pðpS"{“zBpX"o$ O"O"o T"øNpX"p{X" _"Qp{ðp\"{“zBpX"o$ $
Devamuni pravaraarchita lingam, Kaamadaham karunaakara lingam
Raavana darpa vinaashina lingam, Tat pranamaami sadaashiva lingam.
I bow before that Shivalinga worshipped by the gods and sages, that form (of Shiva) which burnt Cupid, and subdued the ego of Ravana, and of infinite compassion.
_"\"ê_"sBp[SR"_"s“pu{T"O"{“zBpX"o$ V"s{«{\"\"R"êS"@¡pZNp{“zBpX"o$ $
{_"«_"sZp_"sZ\"[SQO"{“zBpX"o$ O"O"o T"øNpX"p{X" _"Qp{ðp\"{“zBpX"o$ $
Sarva sugandhi sulopita lingam, Buddhi vivardhana kaarana lingam,
Siddha surasura vandita lingam, Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam.
I bow before that Sadashivalinga, smeared with various perfumes, which uplifts the intellect, and which is worshipped by the Siddhas, Devas and the Asuras.
@¡S"@¡X"`pX"{NpW"t{^"O"{“zBpX"o$ U¡{NpT"{O"\"u{^J>O" ðppu{W"O"“zBpX"o$ $
Qb"_"sY"c" {\"S"pðpS" {“zBpX"o$ O"O"o T"øNpX"p{X" _"Qp{ðp\"{“zBpX"o$ $
Kankamahamani bhooshita lingam, phanipati veshtita shobhita lingam,
Daksha suyagya vinaashita lingam, Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam
I bow before that Sadashivalingam, decorated with various ornaments, studded with varieties of gems and rubies, and glows with the lord of snakes coiled around, and of the form of the destroyer of Daksha’s sacrifice.
@sz¡@s¡X"E"zQS"“u{T"O"{“zBpX"o$ T"z@¡G"`pZ_"sðppu{W"O"{“zBpX"o$ $
_"z{E"O"T"pT"{\"S"pðpS"{“zBpX"o$ O"O"o T"øNpX"p{X" _Qp{ðp\"{“zBpX"o$ $
Kumkum chandan lepita lingam, Pankaj haar sushobhita lingam,
Sanchita Paap vinaashana lingam, Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam
I bow before that Sadashivalingam, decorated with saffron and sandal-paste, which is adorned with lotus garlands, and which destroys all accumulated sins (over several births).
Qu\"BpNpp{E"êO" _"u{\"O"{“zBpX"o$ W"p\"vW"ê{˜¡{W"Zu\" E" {“zBpX"o$ $
{QS"@¡Z@¡pu{J>T"øW"p@¡Z{“zBpX"o$ O"O"o T"øNpX"p{X" _"Qp{ðp\"{“zBpX"o$ $
Deva ganaarchita sevita lingam, bhaavair bhakti bhireva cha lingam,
Dinkar koti prabhakara lingam, Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam
I bow before that Sadashivalingam, worshipped by gods with sincere devotion, and whose brilliance is like that of crores of suns.
ì^J>Q“puT"qZ\"u^J>O"{“zBpX"o$ _"\"ê_"X"sQoW"\"@¡pZNp{“zBpX"o$ $
ì^J>QqZç{\"S"pðpS"{“zBpX"o$ O"O"o T"øNpX"p{X" _"Qp{ðp\"{“zBpX"o$ $
Ashtadalopari veshtita lingam, Sarva samud bhava kaarana lingam,
Ashta daridra vinaashana lingam, Tat pranamaami Sadashivalingam
I bow before that Sadashivalingam, which stands on the eight petals, which is the cause of all creation; and which can destroy the eight aspects of poverty.
_"sZBpsà_"s\"ZT"t{G"O"{“zBpX"o$ _"sZ\"S"T"s^T"_"Qp{E"êO"{“zBpX"o$ $
T"ZpOT"Zz T"ZX"pOX"@¡{“zBpX"o$ O"O"o T"øNpX"p{X" _"Qp{ðp\"{“zBpX"o$ $
Surguru suarvara poojita lingam, Survana pushpa sadaarpita lingam,
Paraatparam parmaatmaka lingam, Tat parnamaami Sadashivalingam
I bow before that Sadashivalingam, which is worshipped by the devas and their gurus with flowers from the divine gardens; which is the Transcendent Being and the Supreme Self.
{“zBpp^J>@¡{X"Qz T"sNY"z Y"# T"K>uO"o {ðp\"_"{ß"R"pv $
{ðp\"“pu@¡X"\"pTS"pu{O" {ðp\"uS" _"` X"puQO"u$ $
Lingaashtakam idam punyam yaha pathet shivasannidhao,
Shivlokam avaapnoti shiven saha modate.
Whoever recites these eight shlokas, in praise of the Shivalinga with the presence of Lord Shiva, attains that Supreme abode of Shiva and enjoys everlasting bliss.
Night Prayer
@¡ZE"ZNp@w¡O"z \"p@o¡-@¡pY"G"z @¡X"êG"z \"p$
d\"NpS"Y"S"G"z \"p X"pS"_"z \"p&T"ZpR"X"o$
Kara Charana kritam vaak kaayajam karmajam vaa
Shravana nayanajam vaa maanasam vaa (a) praadham
Vihitamvihitam vaa sarvametat kshmasva
Jaya jaya karunaabdhe Shree Mahadeva Shambho
Oh Lord kindly forgive my wrong actions done knowingly or unknowingly, either through my organs of action (hand, feet, speech) or through my organs of perception (eyes, ears) or by my mind. Glory unto Thee O Lord Mahadeva, who is the ocean of kindness.
X"S"pu V"s«Y"`z@¡pZ {E"OO"p{S" S"p`z,
S" E" dpue"{G"\`u S" E" C"øpNpS"ue"u$
S" E" \Y"puX" W"t{X"S"ê O"uG"pu S" \"pY"s,
{E"QpS"SQá¡T"# {ðp\"pu`X"o {ðp\"pu`X"o :1:
Mano Budhyahankar Chitani Nahum,
Na Cha Shrotra Jivahe Na Cha Ghrananetra
Na Cha Vyom Bhumir Na Tejo Na Vayu,
Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
Mind, Intellect, Ego I am not, Neither have I ears, tongue nor nostrils, nor eyes; I am not the five great elements,; I am pure consciousness, Bliss, the Self -I am Auspiciousness, Auspiciousness alone.
S" E" T"øpNp _"zc"pu S" \"v T"IE"\"pY"s#,
S" \"p _"TO" R"pO"sS"ê \"p T"IE"@¡pu^"#$
S" \"p@o¡ T"p{NpT"pQpv S" E"puT"_P"T"pY"t,
{E"QpS"SQá¡T"# {ðp\"pu`X"o {ðp\"pu`X"o :2:
Na Cha Pran Sangyo Na Vaye Pancha Vayuhu,
Na Va Sapta Dhatur Na Va Pancha Koshah
Na Vak Pani Padau Na Chopasthapayu,
Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
The vital air I am not, Nor have I anything to do with the physiological functions in my body; Nor am I the seven-fold material that goes into the building up of the body; Nor am I in any way attached to the five sheaths of my personality; have nothing to do with the five organs of action. I am auspiciousness, Auspiciousness alone.
S" X"u Ÿu^" ZpBppv S" X"u “puW"X"pu`pv,
X"Qpu S"v\" X"u S"v\" X"pO_"Y"êW"p\"#$
S" R"X"puê S" E"pP"puê S" @¡pX"pu S" X"pub",
{E"QpS"SQá¡T"# {ðp\"pu`X"o {ðp\"pu`X"o :3:
Na Me Dvesha Ragau Na Me Lobha Mohau,
Mado Naiv Me Naiv Matasarya Bhavah
Na Dharmo Na Chartho Na Kamo Na Moksha,
Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
I have neither likes nor dislikes, nor have I covetousness or greed, nor have I any arrogant vanity or any competition with anyone; I have not even a need for the four main “purposes of life”. I am Auspiciousness, Auspiciousness alone.
S" T"sNY"z S" T"pT"z S" _"pvAY"z S" Ql#A"z,
S" X"Se"pu S" O"rP"| S" \"uQp# S" Y"c"p#
ì`z W"puG"S"z S"v\" W"puGY"z S" W"pu˜¡p$
{E"QpS"SQá¡T"# {ðp\"pu`X"o {ðp\"pu`X"o :4:
Na Punyam Na Papam Na Saukhyam Na Dukham,
Na Mantro Na Tirham Na Vedaah Na Yagaah
Aham Bhojan Naiv Bhojya Na Bhokta,
Chidnananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
Sin or merit can never touch me, joy or sorrow cannot contaminate me; I know no mantra, I have no sacred pilgrimage to make, I know no scripture, nor have I anything to gain through rituals; I am neither the experiencer (subject), nor the experienced (object), nor the experiencing;
I am auspiciousness, Auspiciousness alone.
S" X"u X"wOY"s ðpz@¡p S" X"u G"p{O"W"uQ#$
{T"O"p S"v\" X"u S"v\" X"pO"p S" G"SX"$
S" V"SR"sS"ê {X"e"z BpsàS"vê\" {ðp^Y"$
{E"QpS"SQá¡T"# {ðp\"pu`X"o {ðp\"pu`X"o :5:
Na Me Mrityu Shanka Na Me Jati Bhedah,
Pita Naiv Me Naiv Mata Na Janma
Na Bandhur Na Mitram Guru Naiv Shishya,
Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
I have no death, nor have I any caste or creed distinction; I have neither father nor mother, why! I am never born! I have no kith or kin, I know no Guru, nor am I a disciple; I am Auspiciousness, Auspiciousness alone.
ì`z {S"{\"ê@¡ÚT"pu {S"Zp@¡pZá¡T"pu$
{\"W"s\Y"pêTO" _"\"êe" _"\"u|{çY"p{Np$
_"Qp X"u _"X"O\"z S" X"s[×O"S"ê V"SR"$
{E"QpS"SQá¡T"# {ðp\"pu`X"o {ðp\"pu`X"o :6:
Aham Nirvikalpo Nirakar Rupo,
Vibhurvyapata Sarvatra Sarvendriyani
Sada Me Samatvam Na Muktir Na Bandha
Chidananda Rupah Shivoham Shivoham
Thought-free am I, formlessness my only form, I am the vitality behind all sense organs of everyone; neother have I attachment to anything, nor am I free from everything; I am all-inclusive; I am Auspiciousness, Auspiciousness alone.
Mrityunjaya Mantra
Aum Trayambakam Yajaamahey
Sugandhim Pusti Vardhanam
Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaath
Mrutyor Muksheeya Maamritaat
Meaning: We worship the three eyed One (Lord Shiva) who is fragrant and who nourishes all beings; may He liberate me from death, for the sake of immortality, even as cucumber is severed from its bondage of the vine.
Shiva Panchaakshara Stotra
Nagendra Haaraaya Thrilochanaaya
Bhasmaanga Raagaaya Maheshvaraaya
Nityaaya Suddhaaya Digambaraaya
Tasmai Nakaaraaya Namah Shivaaya.
Meaning: I offer my humble salutations to Lord Mahesvara - who has a garland of serpents around the neck; who has three eyes; whose body is covered with ash (vibhuti); who is eternal; who is pure; who has the entire sky as His dress and who is embodies as the first letter Na.
Mandaakini Salila Chandana Chaarthitaaya
Nandeesvara Pramatha Naatha Mahesvaraaya
Mandaara Pushpa Vahu Pushpa Supoojitaaya
Tasmai Makaaraaya Namah Shivaaya
Meaning: I bow to Lord Maheshvara, who is embodied as Makaara (letter Ma), whose body is anointed with holy waters from the river Ganges and sandal paste, who is the sovereign king of the Pramatha Ganas and who is adorned with innumerable divine flowers such as Mandaara.
Shivaaya Gauri Vadana Aravinda
Sooryaaya Dakshaadhvara Naashakaaya
Sree Neelakantaaya Vrisha Dhvajaaya
Tasmai Shikaaraaya Namah Shivaaya
Meaning: I offer my salutations to Lord Shiva, who is the resplendent sun for mother Gauri's lotus face (sun causes the lotus flower to open up and bloom; Lord Shiva makes mother Gauri's face bloom), who is the destroyer of Daksha's sacrificial ritual, who is the blue necked Lord (due to the Haalahala poison which He agreed to consume), whose banner bears the emblem of a bull and who is embodied as the letter Shi.
Vasishta Kumbhodbhava Gautamaaya
Muneendra Devaarchita Sekharaaya
Chandraarka Vaishvaanara Lochanaaya
Tasmai Vakaaraaya Namah Shivaaya
Meaning: I prostrate before the God of Gods, who is worshipped and prayed to by great sages such as Vashishta, Agastya and Gautama, whose eyes are sun, moon and the fire and who is embodied as Vakaara (letter Va).
Yajna Swaroopaaya Jataadharaaya
Pinaaka Hasthaaya Sanaatanaaya
Divyaaya Devaaya Digambaraaya
Tasmai Yakaraaya Namah Shivaaya.
Meaning: Prostrations to the sacred Lord who is the Yaksa incarnate, whose hair is long and matted, who holds Pinaaka (trident) in His hand, who has the entire sky as His attire and who is embodied as the letter Ya.
Panchaaksharam Idam Punyam
Yah Pateh Shiva Sannidhau
Shivaloka Mavaapnothee
Shivena Saha Modate
Meaning: Whoever repeats this prayer composed with the five holy letters before Lord Shiva, attains that supreme abode of His and enjoys eternal Bliss.
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