Browsing: Buddhism

INTRODUCTION Lord Buddha in his past births has taken several forms of birth like animals, saint, king and a philosopher.…

There are eight great Boddhisattvas or Ashta putras meaning eight holy sons in Mahayana Buddhism

Shravasthi(in Sanskrit) or Savatthi(in Pali) was the capital of the kingdom of Kosala

Sarnath or Saranganath is one of the most important Buddhist pilgrimage

The name Rajgir originated from Raj Griha meaning the King’s house.

Nalanda was an ancient seat of learning from the 5th century AD to 1197 AD

Among the disciples of Buddha, his cousin and attendant Ananda played a very important role.

The Mahayana form of Buddhism is said to have the maximum number of followers compared to the other two forms Theravada and Vajrayana. In the Mahayana Buddhism, Nagarjuna is considered to be the founder of the Middle Path or the Madhyamika School of Mahayana Buddhism.