Abhinandannath in his previous birth was the King of Manglavati or Ratnasanchay town in Purva Mahavideha named Mahabal.
Browsing: Jain Tirthankars
Sambhavnath in his previous birth was King Vipulvahan who ruled Kshempuri in the Airavat area of Mahavideh for a long time after the Nirvana of Bhagavan Ajitnath.
Ajitnath was the 2nd Tirthankar of the present age. Ajitnath in his earlier incarnation was said to be the King of Susima city in Mahavideha Area, King Vimalvahan.
Rishabha was also referred to as Rishabhadeva, Adinath, Adishwar
Tirthankaras are human beings who have destroyed all their Ghati(destructive)