( By Sri Adi Shankaracharya)
सदा बालरूपाऽपि विघ्नाद्रिहन्त्री
महादन्तिवक्त्राऽपि पञ्चास्यमान्या ।
विधीन्द्रादिमृग्या गणेशाभिधा मे
विधत्तां श्रियं काऽपि कल्याणमूर्तिः ॥१॥
May Ganesha who, though always a child, can destroy the mountain of obstacles, who though having the face of an elephant is worshipped by lions (or by shiva with five faces), who is sought after by Brahamaa, Indra, and others, who is auspicious, and whose greatness is immeasurable, bless me with prosperity. (1)
न जानामि शब्दं न जानामि चार्थं
न जानामि पद्यं न जानामि गद्यम् ।
चिदेका षडास्या हृदि द्योतते मे
मुखान्निःसरन्ते गिरश्चापि चित्रम् ॥२॥
Neither word nor its meaning do I know. Neither poetry nor prose do I know. A light with six faces shines in my mind; consequently words marvellous come out from my mouth. (2)
मयूराधिरूढं महावाक्यगूढं
मनोहारिदेहं महच्चित्तगेहम् ।
महीदेवदेवं महावेदभावं
महादेवबालं भजे लोकपालम् ॥३॥
I worship the son of Mahaadeva, who is mounted on the peacock, who is the implied sense of the major texts of the Upanisads, who has a body captivating the minds, who dwells in the minds of the wise, who is worshipped by the Braahmanas, who is the purport of the great Vedas, and who is the protector of the world. (3)
यदा संनिधानं गता मानवा मे
भवाम्भोधिपारं गतास्ते तदैव ।
इति व्यञ्जयन्सिन्धुतीरे य आस्ते
तमीडे पवित्रं पराशक्तिपुत्रम् ॥४॥
I adore the son of Paraashakti, who is pure and who has taken his abode on the shore of the ocean as if to suggest,”The devotees will cross the ocean of bondage as soon as they reach my place”. (4)
यथाब्धेस्तरङ्गा लयं यन्ति तुङ्गाः
तथैवापदः सन्निधौ सेवतां मे ।
इतीवोर्मिपंक्तीर्नृणां दर्शयन्तं
सदा भावये हृत्सरोजे गुहं तम् ॥५॥
In my lotus-heart, I always meditate on Guha, who seems to call attention to the rows of waves as if to say, “Just as the high waves of the ocean disappear (when they reach the shore), even so the afflictions of those who worship me will disappear in my presence.” (5)
गिरौ मन्निवासे नरा येऽधिरूढाः
तदा पर्वते राजते तेऽधिरूढाः ।
इतीव ब्रुवन्गन्धशैलाधिरूढाः
स देवो मुदे मे सदा षण्मुखोऽस्तु ॥६॥
May the Lord with six faces, who has his abode on the hill called Gandhashaila as if suggesting that “Those who climb up this hill which is your abode attain the fruit of ascending Kailaasa, then itself,” bless me with happiness. (6)
महाम्भोधितीरे महापापचोरे
मुनीन्द्रानुकूले सुगन्धाख्यशैले ।
गुहायां वसन्तं स्वभासा लसन्तं
जनार्ति हरन्तं श्रयामो गुहं तम् ॥७॥
I take refuge in Guha who shines by His own light, who removes the afflictions of the people, and who dwells in the cave of the hill, Gandhashaila, which is one the shore of the sacred ocean, which destroys the worst sins, and which is congenial to the great sages. (7)
लसत्स्वर्णगेहे नृणां कामदोहे
सुमस्तोमसंछत्रमाणिक्यमञ्चे ।
सदा भावये कार्तिकेयं सुरेशम् ॥८॥
I meditate always on Kaartikeya, the Lord of the Devas, who is luminous like a thousand rising suns, resting on a bed decked with gems and covered on all sides by a large collection of fragrant flowers, in the luminous sanctum of gold, which fulfils all desires of men. (8)
रणद्धंसके मञ्जुलेऽत्यन्तशोणे
मनःषट्पदो मे भवक्लेशतप्तः
सदा मोदतां स्कन्द ते पादपद्मे ॥९॥
O Skanda, may the bee of my mind, afflicted by the sufferings of worldly existence, always enjoy bliss at the beautiful lotus of your feet, which is surrounded by the humming swans (viz. ascetics), which is deep red, and which is filled with the nectar of beauty captivating the minds. (9)
क्वणत्किङ्किणीमेखलाशोभमानाम् ।
लसद्धेमपट्टेन विद्योतमानां
कटिं भावये स्कन्द ते दीप्यमानाम् ॥१०॥
O Skanda, I meditate on your luminous waist, covered by the shining garment of golden colour, radiant with the girdle containing sounding bells, and lustrous with the shining upper garment. (10)
स्तनालिङ्गनासक्तकाश्मीररागम् ।
नमस्यामहं तारकारे तवोरः
स्वभक्तावने सर्वदा सानुरागम् ॥११॥
O the foe of Taaraka, I worship your chest which has become red due to embracing the hard and big bosom of the daughter of the hunter-chief and also due to the desire always to protect the devotees. (11)
विधौ क्ऌप्तदण्डान् स्वलीलाधृताण्डान्
निरस्तेभशुण्डान् द्विषत्कालदण्डान् ।
सदा ते प्रचण्डान् श्रये बाहुदण्डान् ॥१२॥
O Shanmukha, always I take refuge in your staff-like arms which punished Brahmaa, which support the entire universe as a sport, which controlled the elephant afflicted with mada, which punished Yama who is the enemy of all creatures, which destroyed all the enemies of Indra, which are skilful in protecting the world, and which cause terror to the enemies. (12)
सदा शारदाः षण्मृगाङ्का यदि स्युः
समुद्यन्त एव स्थिताश्चेत्समन्तात् ।
सदा पूर्णबिम्बाः कलङ्कैश्च हीनाः
तदा त्वन्मुखानां ब्रुवे स्कन्द साम्यम् ॥१३॥
O Skanda, if there be six autumnal full moons with spots shining always on all sides, then can I compare them with your faces (with tilaka in fore-head). In the same way, if there be full moons always free from spots, then I can compare them with your faces (free from tilaka) (13)
स्फुरन्मन्दहासैः सहंसानि चञ्चत्
कटाक्षावलीभृङ्गसंघोज्ज्वलानि ।
तवालोकये षण्मुखाम्भोरुहाणि ॥१४॥
O son of Ishvara, I see the six lotuses of your face beaming with smiles of swans, shining with rows of moving bees of side-glances, and with lips over-flowing with nectar. (14)
विशालेषु कर्णान्तदीर्घेष्वजस्रं
दयास्यन्दिषु द्वादशस्वीक्षणेषु ।
मयीषत्कटाक्षः सकृत्पातितश्चेद्
भवेत्ते दयाशील का नाम हानिः ॥१५॥
O merciful Lord, what will you lose if a little glance of your broad, long twelve eyes extending upto ears and full of mercy is cast on me even once? (15)
सुताङ्गोद्भवो मेऽसि जीवेति षड्धा
जपन्मन्त्रमीशो मुदा जिघ्रते यान् ।
जगद्भारभृद्भ्यो जगन्नाथ तेभ्यः
किरीटोज्ज्वलेभ्यो नमो मस्तकेभ्यः ॥१६॥
O Lord of the world, I offer salutations to the six heads which shine with crowns, which look after the welfare of the world, and which were smelt six times with joy by Ishvara, uttering the mantra “Dear child, your are born of me. May you live long!” (16)
चलत्कुण्डलश्रीलसद्गण्डभागः ।
कटौ पीतवास करे चारुशक्ति
पुरस्तान्ममास्तां पुरारेस्तनूज ॥१७॥
May the son of Parameshvara, who wears lustrous bracelet and garland of gems, who has bright cheeks shining with dangling ear-rings, who wears yellow garment around the waist, and who holds the beautiful weapon called shakti in his hand, appear before me. (17)
इहायाहि वत्सेति हस्तान्प्रसार्या
ह्वयत्यादशच्छङ्करे मातुरङ्कात् ।
समुत्पत्य तातं श्रयन्तं कुमारं
हराश्लिष्टगात्रं भजे बालमूर्तिम् ॥१८॥
I adore the young Kumaara who when called by Shankara, “Dear child, come here,” affectionately with arms extended, rose hurriedly from his mother’s lap and rushed into his father’s arms, and who was embraced by Shiva. (18)
कुमारेशसूनो गुह स्कन्द सेना_
पते शक्तिपाणे मयूराधिरूढ ।
पुलिन्दात्मजाकान्त भक्तार्तिहारिन्
प्रभो तारकारे सदा रक्ष मां त्वम् ॥१९॥
O Kumaara, O son of Ishvara, O Guha, O Skanda, O Commander of the army of the Devas, O the valiant one armed with Shakti, O Lord mounted on the peacock, O Lord who pleases Valli belonging to the tribe called Pulinda, O remover of the afflictions of the devotees, O Lord, O the enemy of Taaraka, always protect me. (19)
प्रशान्तेन्द्रिये नष्टसंज्ञे विचेष्टे
कफोद्गारिवक्त्रे भयोत्कम्पिगात्रे ।
प्रयाणोन्मुखे मय्यनाथे तदानीं
द्रुतं मे दयालो भवाग्रे गुह त्वम् ॥२०॥
O Guha, when my senses become inactive, when my memory is lost, when my limbs become motionless, when phlegm comes out of the mouth, when my body trembles with fear, when I am set on my journey to the next life, and when I am without protection, O merciful Lord, hasten to appear before me. (20)
कृतान्तस्य दूतेषु चण्डेषु कोपाद्
दहच्छिन्द्धि भिन्द्धीति मां तर्जयत्सु ।
मयूरं समारुह्य मा भैरिति त्वं
पुरः शक्तिपाणिर्ममायाहि शीघ्रम् ॥२१॥
O Lord, hasten to my presence, riding on the peacock and armed with shakti, giving the assurance “Don’t be afraid”, when the cruel messengers of Yama come to torture me shouting angrily, “Burn him, kill him, cut him.” (21)
प्रणम्यासकृत्पादयोस्ते पतित्वा
प्रसाद्य प्रभो प्रार्थयेऽनेकवारम् ।
न वक्तुं क्षमोऽहं तदानीं कृपाब्धे
न कार्यान्तकाले मनागप्युपेक्षा ॥२२॥
O Lord, prostrating before your feet and offering obeisance to them quite often, and pleasing you several times, I pray to you : “O store-house of grace, during the last moments of my life, I will not be able to speak; and you should not be indifferent to me at all then.” (22)
सहस्राण्डभोक्ता त्वया शूरनामा
हतस्तारकः सिंहवक्त्रश्च दैत्यः ।
ममान्तर्हृदिस्थं मनःक्लेशमेकं
न हंसि प्रभो किं करोमि क्व यामि ॥२३॥
You killed the asura called shura, who ruled the world by dividing it into a thousand parts. Also, you destroyed asuras such as Taaraka and Simhavaktra. But, O Lord, you have not killed the one suffering of my mind. What am I to do? Where am I to go? (23)
अहं सर्वदा दुःखभारावसन्नो
भवान्दीनबन्धुस्त्वदन्यं न याचे ।
भवद्भक्तिरोधं सदा क्ऌप्तबाधं
ममाधिं द्रुतं नाशयोमासुत त्वम् ॥२४॥
I am always oppressed by the weight of sorrow. You are the friend of the helpless. I will not seek the help of anyone other than you. O son of Umaa, quickly destroy my mental agony which always pains me and hinders my bhakti towards you. (24)
अपस्मारकुष्टक्षयार्शः प्रमेह
ज्वरोन्मादगुल्मादिरोगा महान्तः ।
पिशाचाश्च सर्वे भवत्पत्रभूतिं
विलोक्य क्षणात्तारकारे द्रवन्ते ॥२५॥
O the enemy of Taaraka, severe diseases such as epilepsy, leprosy, consumption, lung infection urinary troubles, fever, mental derangement, disorders of the spleen, etc., and also all kinds of evil spirits disappear at the very sight of your vibhüti (sacred ash) kept on the (holy Panneer) leaf. (25)
दृशि स्कन्दमूर्तिः श्रुतौ स्कन्दकीर्तिः
मुखे मे पवित्रं सदा तच्चरित्रम् ।
करे तस्य कृत्यं वपुस्तस्य भृत्यं
गुहे सन्तु लीना ममाशेषभावाः ॥२६॥
Let there be the figure of Skanda in my vision. Let the fame of Skanda be ringing in my ears. Let the sacred story of Skanda always engage my mouth. Let my hands serve His feet. Let my body be His servant. Let all my limbs and thoughts be absorbed in Guha. (26)
मुनीनामुताहो नृणां भक्तिभाजां
अभीष्टप्रदाः सन्ति सर्वत्र देवाः ।
नृणामन्त्यजानामपि स्वार्थदाने
गुहाद्देवमन्यं न जाने न जाने ॥२७॥
To fulfil the desires of the sages or of the devotees who are in the path of bhakti, there are many gods in the world. But I do not know of any god other than Guha who fulfils the desires of all types of persons. I am certain about this. (27)
कलत्रं सुता बन्धुवर्गः पशुर्वा
नरो वाथ नारि गृहे ये मदीयाः ।
यजन्तो नमन्तः स्तुवन्तो भवन्तं
स्मरन्तश्च ते सन्तु सर्वे कुमार ॥२८॥
My wife and children in my home, relatives and my cattle, or any man or woman, or all those connected with me – let all of them O Kumaara, remain worshipping you, offering obeisance to you, and also praising and remembering you. (28)
मृगाः पक्षिणो दंशका ये च दुष्टाः
तथा व्याधयो बाधका ये मदङ्गे ।
भवच्छक्तितीक्ष्णाग्रभिन्नाः सुदूरे
विनश्यन्तु ते चूर्णितक्रौञ्चशौल ॥२९॥
O the destroyer of the Krauncashaila, let all those animals, birds, and mosquitoes as well as deep-rooted diseases which trouble my body, be cut asunder by the sharp point of your weapon, shaktim be taken far away, and destroyed. (29)
जनित्री पिता च स्वपुत्रापराधं
सहेते न किं देवसेनाधिनाथ ।
अहं चातिबालो भवान् लोकतातः
क्षमस्वापराधं समस्तं महेश ॥३०॥
O commander of the army of the Devas, does not the mother, as well as the father, bear with the faults of their children? I am very young; but you are the father of the universe. O, the supreme Lord, forgive all my faults. (30)
नमः केकिने शक्तये चापि तुभ्यं
नमश्छाग तुभ्यं नमः कुक्कुटाय ।
नमः सिन्धवे सिन्धुदेशाय तुभ्यं
पुनः स्कन्दमूर्ते नमस्ते नमोऽस्तु ॥३१॥
My salutations to you, the peacock. Also, my salutations to you, shakti. My salutations to you, the goat. My salutations to you, the cock. My salutations to you, the ocean. My salutations to you, the sacred shrine on the shore. Once again, my salutations to you, O Skanda. I bow to you again and again. (31)
जयामोघकीर्ते जयानन्दमूर्ते ।
जयानन्दसिन्धो जयाशेषबन्धो
जय त्वं सदा मुक्तिदानेशसूनो ॥३२॥
O Subrahmanya of infinite bliss, may you be victorious. O Subrahmanya of immeasurable light, may you be victorious. O Subrahmanya of unlimited glory, may you be victorious. O Subramanya of blissful form, may you be victorious. O Subrahmanya who is an ocean of happiness, may you be victorious. O Subramanya who is the relative of all creatures, may you be victorious. O son of Ishvara, O the giver of mukti, may you be victorious always. (32)
भुजङ्गाख्यवृत्तेन क्ऌप्तं स्तवं यः
पठेद्भक्तियुक्तो गुहं संप्रणम्य ।
स पुत्रान्कलत्रं धनं दीर्घमायुः
लभेत्स्कन्दसायुज्यमन्ते नरः सः ॥३३॥
A devotee who, after offering obeisance to Guha, recites with devotion this stotra composed in the bhujanga metre, will be blessed with wife and children, wealth sand longevity; and he will attain at the end union with Skanda (i.e. mukti). (33)