Bogar was a Tamil siddhar who lived between 550 and 300 BC. He is one among the 18 siddhars.
Bogar has written the book “Bogar 7000”. Bogar 7000 contains 7000 songs, and it contains the details about Siddha medicines.
Bogarwent to China, and taught about spiritual enlightenment. Bogar is said to be in SAMADHI near Palani Murugan hill temple. He is a disciple of Agastya Maharishi. He was a master of Siddha, yoga, and meditation.
According to legends, it is known that Bogar created the idol of Murugan in Palani by mixing Navapashanam(Various herbs). He also established the temple for Murugan in Kodaikanal Tamilnadu, India.
A great siddhar and a Murugan devotee, and the founder of the formula for Siddha medicines is still curing the diseases of his devotees. And also he gets attracted with the devotees of Lord Muruga. He lived for a long period and is still answering our prayers. By worshipping him, we will get a good fortune in our life, and our problems and difficulties will come to an end. He is a great SIDDHA PURUSHA, who has helped the devotees to clear their karma, by following the path of spirituality and give us the way for attaining SALVATION.
If we earnestly pray him with innocent affection, he will clarify to our prayers, and remarkable range, he can imperceptibly improve our destiny also with his “UTMOST SPIRITUAL ENERGY”, and pleasure deliver opposing capability to overlook any intricacies in our life, and will give the treatment to us. Let us chant his name and be blessed.