Bhavani also known as Tulaja, Amba and Jagadamba is an incarnation of Mata Parvati. She is also worshipped in North India as Mata Durga. Once she killed the demon Matanga who created lot of problems to the people in the earth and also troubled the gods in the heaven. Due to the worship of the gods and humans, Mata Parvati took the form of “BHAVANI” and destroyed the terrible demon.
Mata Bhavani was worshipped by the Maratha King Shivaji and by his mother. The king, his relatives and his region’s people were very much devoted to Mata Bhavani and their main deity was Bhavani. They used to worship Tuljapur Bhavani Temple in Maharashtra, and also King Shivaji had introduced many puja schemes and it is also believed that he had offered food to the devotees in the Tuljapur Bhavani Temple. Every year during Navaratri festival period (September to October), lot of devotees would throng into the Tuljapur Bhavani temple and would worship their beloved goddess with much delight and devotion in their mind. The Bhavani temple in Tuljapur of Maharashtra is considered as one of the 51 Shakti Pithas.
The goddess Bhavani is worshipped by the people throughout Maharashtra. Many families from Maharashtra consider her as their Kuladevi. The idol of Tulja Bhavani is made out of black stone. The appearance of the goddess is described as very beautiful, she looks in the form of smiling posture, and she like the precious diamond. She protects her devotees, and takes care of them throughout their life. Temples for Mata Bhavani is situated throughout India. She is also worshipped as “BHAVANI AMMAN” and “BHAVANI THULUKANATHAMMAN” in Tamil Nadu. Out of the Bhavani Amman temples, Periyapalayam Bhavani Amman temple is a very famous temple. The devotees would worship the holy mother during Tuesdays and Fridays and they would offer “PONGAL” and “MIXED RICE” as Neivedyam (Holy Prasad) to the goddess and they would distribute it amongst the devotees. Koozh offering also takes place in most of the Amman temples in Tamil Nadu during the Tamil month of Aadi. Bhavani Thulukanathamman temple situated in Agaram, Chennai, is also a famous temple. Fire walking ceremony (Thimithi) would take place in the Tamil months of Aadi – Aavani of every year in this temple.
We can also chant the below mentioned 108 marvellous names of Ma Bhavani in order to attain great spiritual enlightenment in our life.
- Om Mahavidyayai Namah
- Om Bhavani Thulukanathammane Namah
- Om Tulja Bhavani Namah
- Om Shakti Bhavani Namah
- Om Bhavani Maha Deviye Namah
- Om Shiva Patiye Namah
- Om Shiva Shankariye Namah
- Om Shiva Swaroopaya Namah
- Om Uma Maheswariye Namah
- Om jaganmatre namah
- Om mahalaksmyai namah
- Om sivapriyayai namah
- Om visnumayayai namah
- Om subhayai namah
- Om santayai namah
- Om siddhayai namah
- Om siddhasarasvatyai namah
- Om ksamayai namah
- Om kantaye namah
- Om prabhayai namah
- Om jyotsnayai namah
- Om parvatyai namah
- Om sarvamangalayai namah
- Om hingulayai namah
- Om candikayai namah
- Om dantayai namah
- Om padmayai namah
- Om laksmyai namah
- Om haripriyayai namah
- Om tripurayai namah
- Om nandinyai namah
- Om nandayai namah
- Om sunandayai namah
- Om suravanditayai namah
- Om yajnavidyayai namah
- Om mahamayayai namah
- Om vedamatre namah
- Om sudhayai namah
- Om dhrtyai namah
- Om pritaye namah
- Om prathayai namah
- Om prasiddhayai namah
- Om mrdanyai namah
- Om vindhyavasinyai namah
- Om siddhavidyayai namah
- Om mahasaktyai namah
- Om prthivyai namah
- Om naradasevitayai namah
- Om puruhutapriyayai namah
- Om kantayai namah
- Om kaminyai namah
- Om padmalocanayai namah
- Om pralhadinyai namah
- Om mahamatre namah
- Om durgayai namah
- Om durgatinasinyai namah
- Om jvalamukhyai namah
- Om sugotrayai namah
- Om jyotise namah
- Om kumudavasinyai namah
- Om durgamayai namah
- Om durlabhayai namah
- Om vidyayai namah
- Om svargataye namah
- Om puravasinyai namah
- Om aparnayai namah
- Om sambarimayayai namah
- Om madirayai namah
- Om mrduhasinyai namah
- Om kulavagisvaryai namah
- Om nityayai namah
- Om nityaklinnayai namah
- Om krsodaryai namah
- Om kamesvaryai namah
- Om nilayai namah
- Om bhirundayai namah
- Om vahnivasinyai namah
- Om lambodaryai namah
- Om mahakalyai namah
- Om vidyavidyesvaryai namah
- Om naresvaryai namah
- Om satyayai namah
- Om sarvasaubhagyavardhinyai namah
- Om sankarsanyai namah
- Om narasimhyai namah
- Om vaisnavyai namah
- Om mahodaryai namah
- Om katyayanyai namah
- Om campayai namah
- Om sarvasampattikarinyai namah
- Om narayanyai namah
- Om mahanidrayai namah
- Om yoganidrayai namah
- Om prabhavatyai namah
- Om prajnaparamitayai namah
- Om prajnayai namah
- Om tarayai namah
- Om madhumatyai namah
- Om madhave namah
- Om ksirarnavasudhaharayai namah
- Om kalikayai namah
- Om simhavahinyai namah
- Om Omkarayai namah
- Om vasudhakarayai namah
- Om cetanayai namah
- Om kopanakrtyai namah
- Om ardhabindudharayai namah
- Om dharayai namah