It is the first and foremost duty of each and every Hindu to protect and preserve our ancient Hindu temples from miscreants and from anti-social elements. The Multan Temple in Pakistan was almost totally destroyed by the miscreants, and it was built by the great Bhakti Prahalada before few thousands of years ago. Still now, in some places in our country, our temples have been vandalised and looted by the thieves and miscreants. Though the police department takes proper action against the anti-social elements, yet, it is also our duty to take care of the temples situated nearby our homes. Each and every Hindu should consider the temples as their own homes, and they must take proper measures in order to take care of the property of the temples. (Xanax) Before few hundred years, some Muslim kings have looted lot of ornaments and other valuables from our Hindu temples, and they have taken it to their own kingdom. Even during that period, lot of Hindus have even given their lives in order to save the valuables idols and other ornaments to their level best, and they have also succeeded in their attempts.
At the present period, some ancient temples are found in a dilapidated condition, and in those temples, regular pujas are not being performed properly, and the priests are also not being paid their salary. Instead of blaming the government for all these things, the rich and the spiritually inclined people must come forward to do their level best in order to save the temples from destruction. They can renovate those ancient temples by putting their money from their own hands, and also they can get it from others in the form of donations, by the way of starting a non-profit institution exclusively for saving the temples from destruction.
Similar to the Christians and Muslims who take care of their Churches and Mosques properly, we also have to take proper care of our temples, by considering it as a holy act. Those who save the temples from destruction are to be considered as saving their own nation. The deities present in the temples are to be considered as our own precious children, and the Deities those dwell in the ancient temples contain great powers, and if we extend our financial support for protecting and preserving the temples, then definitely the deities present in the temples, would bless us forever in our lives.